TCM Acupuncture
TCM acupuncture is a holistic alternative natural therapy that is used to improve well-being. Tiny, hair-thin metallic needles are inserted into specific points along the energy pathways called meridians by a variety of techniques to prevent and treat a wide range of health problems. It is proven to be an effective, safe alternative and complementary to medication or even surgery for a variety of conditions and ailments. The practice is based on how energy, or qi, flows through the body along a series of channels called meridians – similar to the way nerves and vessels carry messages and blood throughout every system.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM theory, each pathway of its meridian is related to a specific organ, and placing thin needles at certain points along these meridians can effect certain changes in the body to restore homeostasis. Placement along the meridians is believed to cause reactions like sending more blood or lymphatic fluid to specific organs or allowing muscles to release in a way that reduces tension on joints and bones. The needles may also stimulate nerves and tweak nervous system regulation to result in a relaxation response, which relieves pain. Acupuncture is well-known for pain management. It is also thought to stimulate the immune system and control inflammation. Two effects that can bring benefits throughout the body.