Hyper Kyphotic Lordosis Syndrome

Could people have Kyphosis and Lordosis together?

Kyphosis (also called hyperkyphosis or dowager's hump) describes an abnormal curvature of the upper back that causes a rounded or hunched back. Lordosis (also called swayback) describes an abnormal inward curvature of the lower back (lumbar spine, just above the buttocks). You can refer to other related posts.

It is possible to have both lordosis and kyphosis. This is as known as hyper kyphotic lordosis syndrome that cause your thoracic spine (T1-T12) between your neck and the bottom of your ribs curve

Symptoms commonly showed:

Head: forward

Neck: increase curve

Scapulae: abducted

Thorax: increased(kyphosis) and developed hunch back

Lower back: hyperextended(lordosis)

Hips: flexed

Pelvis: forward (anterior pelvic tilt)

Knees: slightly hyperextended

Feet: slightly plantar flexion (Flat feet)

Short and tight-Neck extensors and hip flexor, Lower back, IT band, Psoas, Quadriceps, Pectoralis minor

Lengthened and weak-Neck flexors, Upper back (lower trapezius), Erector spinae, Hamstrings, Abdominals, Gluteus maximus, Adductors





Upper Cross Back Syndrome